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Experts in FIlament Winding And Machining of COMPOSITE Materials

With expertise in laminate design, filament winding and CNC lathe turning, SEPMATech is a one stop shop for any of your composite manufacturing needs. SEPMATech typical applications include tubes, threaded fittings , pressure vessels and hydraulic cylinders and much more.

SEPMATech also provides process technology solutions to composite manufacturer, who want to improve quality and cost of operations through automation and latest know-how. We also appeal to non-composite manufacturer, who want to explore the advantages of designing their products with composite materials.  Please contact us at


Filament Winding and Precision CNC Turning

Impregnation Systems, filament winding accessories, turn key solutions

CAD/CAM, Simulation, Structural Analysis and full scale prototyping

Contact Us

Sepma Technologies is located in Kettering in the old National Composite Center building.

Please email us your questions at or call us at (937) 660-3783



Our Office

2000 Composite Drive
Kettering, OH, 45420
United States


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